What is strategic thinking?
Contrary to what many believe, strategic thinking is not the sacred domain of a few visionaries, but a capability that anyone can learn. It enables you to assess the landscape to identify potential risks, threats, and opportunities. Based on this assessment, you can identify what is (and isn’t) important – and inspire your organization to envision and execute the best ways to solve challenges and thrive in the future.
The 6 skills of strategic thinking
Like all new skills, thinking strategically requires regularly exercising the muscles needed to make it happen. The following set of activities can be integrated into your daily work routine as you see fit.
1. News analysis (10 minutes)
Read or listen to the daily business news. This will keep you informed about trends and events, putting you in the best position to identify patterns and understand the implications.
2. Mindful reflection (5 minutes)
Take five minutes each day to practice mindfulness or meditation. This will clear your mind and improve your focus, enabling you to concentrate on the present and creating a calm foundation for strategic thinking.
3. Scenario visualization (10 minutes)
Imagine a future business scenario. This will develop your proactive and creative thinking capabilities, allowing you to think about how various trends could shape the future and anticipate different outcomes.
4. Problem-solving puzzles (5 minutes)
Tackle a diverse range of brainteasers, such as a daily chess problem, a word challenge, or a numerical puzzle like Sudoku. This will stimulate your analytical and creative problem-solving skills.
5. Strategic journaling (7 minutes)
Keep a strategic journal and write a short entry each day about a strategic idea or insight and potential responses to it. This will develop your ability to articulate your strategic thinking.
6. Short connection session (7 minutes)
Book time in your calendar to discuss a strategic issue or insight with a colleague or mentor. This will strengthen your political savvy and broaden your horizons.