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Luxury 2050

Supporting luxury brands to future-proof with agility

Luxury 2050

Supporting luxury brands to future-proof with agility

IMD’s Luxury 2050 initiative aims to help luxury brands across sectors navigate the heightened uncertainty and seismic shifts that will redefine luxury in the years to come and to do so with agility. Through our research and thought leadership insights, we support brands’ efforts to shape the future of more innovative, relevant, and environmentally and socially responsible luxury. Our work also informs our open and custom programs tailored for the luxury sector.

Featured research and insights

Our cutting-edge research and actionable thought leadership aims to assist luxury brands to future-proof themselves and be agile.

 - IMD Business School
Four ways to think about luxury brand collaborations in Asia

by Stéphane JG Girod, Forbes

 - IMD Business School
Luxury brands must resolve the challenges of the metaverse to unlock its opportunities

by Stéphane JG Girod, Forbes

 - IMD Business School
How can luxury harness technology to craft a more sustainable future?

by Stéphane JG Girod and Renaud Falgas, I by IMD

Case studies

Our extensive library of case studies on luxury brands translate research into action.

Find more of our case studies

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