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Brain Circuits

Debunking leadership myths: Why sincerity beats authenticity

Published 23 September 2024 in Brain Circuits • 2 min read

 We are obsessed with the notion of ‘authentic leadership.’ But does it really exist? Is it attainable? And if it’s more fantasy than reality, what should we put in its place? 


Myth 1 

The whole idea of authentic leadership is flawed. In the first place, most of us don’t know who our authentic selves are – it’s a concept that is probably not attainable and, even if it were, may not be very helpful. 


Myth 2 

Even if such a thing as the authentic self exists, is that really who we want to be? If the authentic self isn’t the person we are now, then who is it? When did it disappear, and when did our counterfeit self take over?  


Back to reality 1: Show your sincere self 

Instead of authentic leadership, it’s far more important (and valuable) to be sincere in the self you show to the world and whether you are sincerely committed to this identity and behavior.  


Back to reality 2: Stay true to your values 

If you are trying to adapt and grow for those around you, say so. Admit that although it might not be natural for you to do a particular thing, it’s important that you learn and make an effort to change. As a leader, it is still critical to model a learner mindset. Again, what is important here is being authentic in your values. This does not mean dogmatically clinging on to eternal truths – sometimes you need to adjust the values you hold sacred to meet the needs of your current situation. 


Further reading 

A broad canvas: Essential reads on creativity and leadership 

How to embrace the Use of Self concept for impactful leadership  

Is the single CEO leadership model still fit for purpose?  

From chaos to calm: Why breath-based mindfulness is essential for leaders today 

What did we do once we knew? Reimagining leadership through a different lens 



Jennifer Jordan

Jennifer Jordan

Social psychologist and Professor of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour at IMD

Jennifer Jordan is a social psychologist and Professor of Leadership and Organizational Behavior at IMD. Jennifer’s teaching, research, and consulting focus on the areas of digital leadership, ethics, influence, and power. She has received specialized training and certifications in lie and truthfulness detection, as well as in conflict resolution within organizations. She is Program Director of the Women on Boards and the Leadership Essentials Course.


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