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What executives can learn from Schneider Electric’s sustainability drive

CEO Circle

What executives can learn from Schneider Electric’s sustainability drive 

Published 28 October 2022 in CEO Circle • 4 min read

Schneider Electric was crowned as a global sustainability leader in 2021. Its 20-year journey provides a blueprint for success. 

Schneider Electric, a multinational provider of energy management and automation solutions, is a genuine sustainability leader. In 2021, media and research firm Corporate Knights ranked the business first worldwide for its sustainability performance. 

The award recognized the business’ 20-year journey, which includes the creation of new products and services that enable clients to address sustainability issues and bold internal sustainability commitments. Further details of the business’ sustainability credentials are outlined in this case. 

Sustainability delivers financial success 

Schneider Electric’s commitment to sustainability has paid off in three ways: 

1. Direct: rising sales, falling costs 

Sustainability helps win new contracts. The company estimates that “green revenues” represent 72% of total revenues today. That said, the criteria for what constitutes green revenues is broad. It is defined as revenue that brings energy, climate or resource efficiency to…

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