Case Study

Singapore Airlines (C): Managing a strategic paradox

5 pages
December 2013
Reference: IMD-3-2416

The C case takes a broader geographical view, while focusing on Singapore Airlines’ strategic differentiation. The airline, while being widely considered as the standard bearer in terms of quality and customer service, has been able to achieve some of the lowest cost structures in the industry, surpassing even some LCCs. To meet this seeming paradox while minimizing trade-offs, Singapore Airlines draws the line between things that are valued by the customer, where procedural and cultural ingenuity are promoted, and things that have no effect on the traveler, where cost efficiency is sought.

Learning Objective

To investigate how, why and where SIA manages its cost/service trade-offs. To identify the key internal characteristics that allow Singapore Airlines to consistently beat its rivals in terms of customer service and profitability.

Airline, Aviation, World, Travel, Differentiation, Cost Efficiency, Strategy, Services, Activity System, General Management
Asia, India
Singapore Airlines, Travel and Leisure, Airlines and Aviation
Published Sources
© 2013
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This case study is part of a series
  • Singapore Airlines (A): The India decision
  • Singapore Airlines (A): The India decision (Abridged)
  • Singapore Airlines (B): Strategic positioning in the Indian airline industry
  • Singapore Airlines (C): Managing a strategic paradox
  • Singapore Airlines (D): The sustainability question
Best-selling Case Study
This case study is part of a series
  • Singapore Airlines (A): The India decision
  • Singapore Airlines (A): The India decision (Abridged)
  • Singapore Airlines (B): Strategic positioning in the Indian airline industry
  • Singapore Airlines (C): Managing a strategic paradox
  • Singapore Airlines (D): The sustainability question
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Copyright owner IMD Copyright
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Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications

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Copyright ©2013
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Organization Singapore Airlines
Industry Travel and Leisure, Airlines and Aviation
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications

Singapore Airlines (D): The sustainability question
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Copyright ©2014
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Organization Singapore Airlines
Industry Travel and Leisure, Airlines and Aviation
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications