
Stefan Michel

Professor Stefan Michel‘s primary research interests are AI’s impact on strategy, pricing, and customer-centricity. He wrote 13 books, numerous award-winning articles and ranks among the top 40 bestselling case-study authors worldwide by The Case Centre. He is the Program Director of IMD’s Strategic Thinking program. This new 8-week online program with 1-1 coaching helps you to become a better strategist while working on a concrete strategic initiative for your organization. 


Latest publications

Fun predictions in 2024

Here’s what we predict for 2024… what about you? 

5 January 2024 • by Robert Hooijberg, Arturo Bris, David Bach, José Parra Moyano, Michael R. Wade, Julia Binder, Howard H. Yu, Simon J. Evenett, Alyson Meister, Salvatore Cantale, Stefan Michel in 2024 trends • 15 min read

What can we expect to see over the coming year? IMD professors offer their expert predictions, and we invite you to join in....


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