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Social Entrepreneurship Initiative

Harnessing the power of entrepreneurship to drive positive societal change

Social Entrepreneurship Initiative

Harnessing the power of entrepreneurship to drive positive societal change

Social entrepreneurship leverages the tools of imagination, creativity, and innovation to drive economic, social, and environmental value creation, and to advance positive change in our communities. We create action-oriented research, practitioner insights, and programs to fuel critical debate, guide new ventures, and inspire next-generation social impact strategies in corporations—real-world impact for our changing world.

Featured research and insights

Our research opens up a new understanding of the collaboration mechanisms, dynamics, and critical success factors in building social ventures and social impact strategies and advancing meaningful and positive societal change.

 - IMD Business School
Want to innovate for people and planet? You need to rethink the value chain

by Sophie Bacq, Ruth V. Aguilera, I by IMD 

 - IMD Business School
Think local, act local

by Sophie Bacq, G. T. Lumpkin, I by IMD

 - IMD Business School
Civic wealth creation: Building bridges and restoring hope

by by Sophie Bacq, G. T. Lumpkin, I by IMD

Featured video

Sophie Bacq explains the value of social entrepreneurship as a tool for social change

At her session at #OWP, Lausanne, Bacq introduced the value of social enterprises as a tool for social change.

Video Sophie Bacq - IMD Business School
Academic articles

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