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When a doctor starts strategizing for the pharma industry

IbyIMD+ Published 25 August 2021 in Leadership • 5 min read

Having left his position as a hospital physician, Thierry Fumeaux is now involved in the strategic development of pharma start-ups. He continues to pursue his goal of helping patients, now contributing to bringing efficient treatments with a competitive advantage to the drug market.

When Thierry Fumeaux turned 55, he carried out his resolve – made ten years earlier – to reroute his career as a specialist in internal medicine and intensive care medicine.

Having observed colleagues in the twilight of their careers, he had anticipated he might need fresh challenges when he hit the same age, but he was keen to keep contributing to patients’ health. After parking his interest in running for a hospital CEO position, because it lacked the creative license he craved, he landed two part-time jobs at biotech start-ups. He recognizes that juggling two gigs is “a challenging situation”, given that part-time is, well, rarely that.

“My main challenge is to use my 20-something years’ experience as a hospital physician who has done an Executive MBA positively in the companies.”
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