Case Study

Motorola ventures (B)

3 pages
March 2009
Reference: IMD-3-2008

Motorola Ventures was the global strategic venture capital investment arm of Motorola that actively invested in the early stage development of companies that had the potential to bring strategic value to Motorola and that, in turn, could accelerate access to new technologies, markets and talent. There was a strong commitment to Motorola Ventures from Motorola’s Senior Leadership Team but in times of crisis, such as the current one, there was little immediate impact that Motorola Ventures was capable of making to bolster short term results for the parent entity. Motorola Ventures had enthusiastically invested in a startup, Tilefile – however, a year later there was still no commitment from any of Motorola’s business units to deploy Tilefile’s technologies across any of Motorola’s product platforms. The Motorola Ventures management team wondered how best to manage and navigate Tilefile through the current environment within Motorola where the attention of the business was focused on the next quarter’s profitability. The case explores the roles and relationships of the three key parties: the startup (Tilefile), the CVC unit (Motorola Ventures), and the corporate entity (Motorola).

Learning Objective

Explain the workings of corporate venture capital to managers and organizations contemplating starting their own CVC units.

Corporate Venture Capital, Start-up, General Management, Strategy
Motorola Solutions
Field Research
© 2009
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This case study is part of a series
  • Motorola ventures (A)
  • Motorola ventures (B)
This case study is part of a series
  • Motorola ventures (A)
  • Motorola ventures (B)
Discover our latest research
IMD's faculty and research teams publish articles, case studies, books and reports on a wide range of topics
Motorola ventures (A)
By James E. Henderson and Atul Pahwa
Case reference: IMD-3-2007 ©2009
Motorola Ventures was the global strategic venture capital investment arm of Motorola that actively invested in the early stage development of comp...
Reference IMD-3-2007
Copyright ©2009
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Organization Motorola Solutions
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications

Motorola ventures (B)
By James E. Henderson and Atul Pahwa
Case reference: IMD-3-2008 ©2009
Motorola Ventures was the global strategic venture capital investment arm of Motorola that actively invested in the early stage development of comp...
Reference IMD-3-2008
Copyright ©2009
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Organization Motorola Solutions
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications