Business opportunities

Navigating tomorrow: The essence of future-ready companies 

IbyIMD+10 May 2024 • by Howard H. Yu in Business opportunities • 6 min read

How do companies like Nike weather storms and thrive in an era of rapid change and uncertainty? Enter future-readiness — the ability to balance exploiting existing strengths and embracing fresh opportunities. ...

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Miriam Twaalfhoven

A problem solver finds her purpose by helping ‘one child at a time’

IbyIMD+14 March 2023 • by Miriam Twaalfhoven in Business opportunities • 5 min read

Miriam Twaalfhoven, an advocate of non-profit organizations in education, explains why she turned to secondary education after a career in business and prefers to support one child at a time. ...

Adopt an entrepreneurial mindset to take responsibility and capture the opportunities presented by the climate emergency

26 October 2021 • by Julia Binder, Knut Haanaes, Anette Mikes, Natalia Olynec, Peter Tufano in Business opportunities • 8 min read

Professors from IMD and Oxford SaĂŻd Business School explore the opportunities and risks presented to executives as they transform their businesses on the road to decarbonization....

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