
Anette Mikes

Anette Mikes is an Associate Professor of Accounting at Oxford Saïd Business School and a Fellow at Hertford College. In 2017, she was honored with the ACA Prize in Financial Governance of the Institute of Accounting, Control and Audit of the University of St. Gallen for her contributions to the field of risk management and financial governance.

Latest publications

Adopt an entrepreneurial mindset to take responsibility and capture the opportunities presented by the climate emergency

26 October 2021 • by Julia Binder, Knut Haanaes, Anette Mikes, Natalia Olynec, Peter Tufano in Leadership • 8 min read

Professors from IMD and Oxford Saïd Business School explore the opportunities and risks presented to executives as they transform their businesses on the road to decarbonization....

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