Leading in Turbulent Times

The authenticity paradox – for women and men leaders

Join Jennifer Jordan, Professor of Leadership and Organizational Behavior, as she will present this paradox for leaders between behaving authentically and behaving in ways they think we need to as leaders.

It is a turbulent time in leadership for both women and men. Concepts around gender are shifting and there is increasing push-back on programs specifically designed to support women’s success and participation in leadership.

These forces exert pressure on all leaders to act in certain ways and conform to certain norms – sometimes acting and behaving in ways that don’t feel authentic and internally consistent. This dissonance can cause an inner turbulence. 

In this webinar, Prof. Jordan will present this paradox for leaders between behaving authentically and behaving in ways they think we need to as leaders. She will then give research-based suggestions for how to resolve this inner turbulence in a way that increases inner peace and groundedness.  

Reserve your spot for a thoughtful exploration of strategic cognition and the nuanced demands of leadership thinking and learn how to cultivate the necessary skills to drive success in talent management and development.

Time: 13:30 (CET)

Leading in Turbulent Times Jennifer Jordan

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