The payment processing industry in Europe had operated in largely the same way for decades. A standard system of financial processing and clearing ensured a steady profit pool for most of the players. However, the payments system in Europe was facing threats on a series of fronts, including changing regulation that shifted power away from some incumbents, lower prices, new competitors, and more demanding customers. One of the region’s large players, Swiss-based SIX Payment Services, needed to decide how to respond to these threats.
Learning Objective
Disruptive innovation, the innovator’s dilemma
Disruption, Payment System, Financial Services, Finance
Europe, Switzerland
Six Payment Services, Finance and Insurance, Financial Services
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This case study is part of a series
SIX Payment Services (A): Disruptive innovation in the European payments industry?
SIX Payment Services (A): Disruptive innovation in the European payments industry? (Spanish translation)
SIX Payment Services (B): A response to disruptive threats