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Should I fly

Should I Fly Episode 5: Entrepreneurs & Investors

21 October 2021 • by Jim Pulcrano, Patrick Reinmoeller in Should I fly

Could innovation save the airline industry? Jim and Patrick look to the world of entrepreneurs and investors, to find out...

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Quick and easy international travel is a normal part of modern life, but almost 20 years ago getting from A to B was an even faster process. 

In the early 2000s, Concorde allowed passengers to get from London to New York in less than four hours; but high costs and environmental complaints brought an end to the supersonic travel era. Now, a new generation of pioneering companies is aiming to make aviation faster and more efficient, while cutting down on emissions.

This week, Professors Jim Pulcrano and Patrick Reinmoeller look at the world of entrepreneurs and investors, and how innovation might impact their answer to the “Should I fly” question. 

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Written and presented by Jim Pulcrano and Patrick Reinmoeller

Produced by JohnJo Devlin

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