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Mark Schneider

8 July 2021 in Podcasts

As CEO of Nestlé, Mark Schneider is arguably the most powerful man in the food and beverage industry. And, as he reveals to IMD President Jean-François Manzoni in the latest episode of...

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Mark Schneider is arguably the most powerful man in the food and beverage industry. As CEO of Nestlé, he oversees the biggest company in the sector – with 270,000 employees, a $350 billion market cap, and a gigantic portfolio of brands that includes everything from Perrier to Purina.

It would be simple to keep things moving in the same direction. But, as the softly-spoken German-American reveals to IMD President Jean-François Manzoni, the company is approaching a once-in-a-generation moment of change.

Among key takeaways in this episode, discover why Schneider thinks recovery from the pandemic will be a several-year process; what the future of nutrition could look like; and why decision-making remains the hardest part of his job.

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