The theory of equality will change the workplace forever
In the early 1900s, Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, E = mc², reshaped our understanding of the universe and changed the world as we knew it. The Theory of Equality™, E = FQ²,...
28 April 2022 in Management Cast
In episode 3 of ManagementCast, Professor Seán Meehan describes the pitfalls of pursuing customer-centricity, and how to avoid them...
Apple Google SpotifyIt can take years to build a truly customer-centric approach in the boardroom; so how do brands maintain that focus over decades?
Seán Meehan, Dean of Faculty and Professor of Marketing and Strategy, says the temptation to go back to “business-as-usual” is strong. Top brands, however, know that chasing ever better consumer experiences is key to long-term success.
As the author of two books on how to win and keep customers, Meehan’s work explores how businesses that prioritize client interests perform better than their peers. In episode 3 of ManagementCast, he gives an insight into the pitfalls of pursuing customer-centricity, and how to avoid them.
21 January 2025 • by Shelley Zalis in Podcasts
In the early 1900s, Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, E = mc², reshaped our understanding of the universe and changed the world as we knew it. The Theory of Equality™, E = FQ²,...
9 January 2025 • by Karl Schmedders, Raphaël Grieco in Podcasts
The experienced VC manager explores the cycles, metrics and misconceptions associated with VC....
20 December 2024 • by Didier Cossin in Podcasts
The Director of IMD's Global Board Center discusses best-practice governance for leaders across all industries...
13 December 2024 • by Karl Schmedders, Raphaël Grieco in Podcasts
In this episode of Capital Conversations, Sia Houchangnia presents a specific approach to providing effective advice and support to founders. ...
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