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different generation over a aocmputer

Following on from a founder

12 September 2022 • by Alfredo De Massis in Family business • 7 min read

Taking control of the family business provides new opportunities to innovate, but also to benefit from the company’s historical success and approach. However, getting the balance right can be tricky…


Evolution from a family-owned company to a family-owned investment portfolio

10 May 2022 • by Peter Lorange in Family business • 7 min read

When deciding whether to sell your family-owned business, the choice for many families comes down to a number of factors – some of which will be uncontrollable. Peter Lorange, Emeritus Professor of…

How can a “family business mentality” improve your digital transformation?

1 December 2021 • by Ivan Miroshnychenko, Alfredo De Massis in Family business • 4 min read

Family businesses might not spring to mind when we imagine organizations at the vanguard of digital business model innovation. But family-owned enterprises are well-equipped for this journey and offer helpful lessons for…


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