Case Study

Organizational learning at Luxor SA

6 pages
March 2010
Reference: IMD-4-0319

Companies’ success increasingly depends on their capacity to build skills, assure readiness of their talent pools, manage their knowledge, and foster understanding of their key objectives and a commitment to achieving them. There is widespread recognition that learning is key to strategy implementation and the organization’s capacity to learn is a key competitive advantage. The reality, however, is that a significant gap exists in many organizations between the “talk” and the “walk” about the importance of strategic learning and the implementation in the field.

Turning the operational objectives into a well-articulated learning strategy, linking it to execution, and developing a well-staffed structure for that within the organization remain a challenge. This case presents a variety of learning processes and tools drawn from five examples of highly successful organisations across different industries and businesses. It serves as a basis for participants to evaluate their own organization against emerging criteria of organizational learning. The case builds on the dilemma introduced in the case “Luxor SA: From Professional to Managerial Leadership” (IMD-4-0190) which emphasizes the importance of helping people learn and adapt in order to handle organizational and market changes.

Learning Objective

Participants are encouraged to reflect on whether their organization is indeed a learning organization and to discuss best practices of organizational learning as well as the cultural climate required to implement such practices. The discussion allows them to identify which elements could be used for their organization as part of their learning strategy.

Organizational Learning, Learning Culture, Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge Brokering, Knowledge Dissemination, Organizational Behavior
IDEO, Google, General Electric
Published Sources
© 2010
Available Languages
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