
Susmita Mohanty

Susmita Mohanty is Director General of Spaceport SARABHAI (S2), India’s first and only ‘space’ think-tank which she co-founded in 2021. S2’s mission is to present and strengthen India’s voice, both public and private, as a space power worldwide. As a space entrepreneur, Mohanty has co-founded companies on three different continents: EARTH2ORBIT (Bangalore), LIQUIFER Systems Group (Vienna) and MOONFRONT (San Francisco). Prior to becoming an entrepreneur, Mohanty worked on Shuttle-Mir missions at NASA Johnson in Houston and later for the International Space Station Program at Boeing in Huntington Beach. Mohanty is a member of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Future Council for Space Technologies and a non-resident scholar at Carnegie India.  

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