How global connections can brighten Europe’s future
Globalization is surviving the COVID-19 pandemic in a far stronger state than many anticipated, and European multinationals could come out as unexpected winners....
Niccolò Pisani is Professor of Strategy and International Business at IMD. His areas of expertise include strategy design and execution as well as international business, with an emphasis on globalization and sustainability. His award-winning research has appeared in the world’s leading academic journals and extensively covered in the media. His work has been featured in both Harvard Business Review and MIT Sloan Management Review. He has also written several popular case studies that are distributed on a global scale.
3 August 2021 • by Steven A. Altman, Niccolò Pisani in Competitiveness • 4 min read
Globalization is surviving the COVID-19 pandemic in a far stronger state than many anticipated, and European multinationals could come out as unexpected winners....
11 July 2021 • by Niccolò Pisani in Brain Circuits • 1 min read
This exercise helps you shorten your to do-list to become more productive. The math has already been done for you....
19 June 2021 • by Niccolò Pisani in Brain Circuits • 1 min read
This exercise helps you to evaluate whether your company’s regional focus needs to be strengthened or weakened....
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