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Brain Circuits

An exercise to assess whether your leaders (or you) may need to change

IbyIMD+ Published 12 January 2022 in Brain Circuits • 2 min read

As the pandemic wears on, people’s nerves are becoming more frayed, with stress levels rising. It falls upon leaders to manage their teams’ energy and smooth the tensions of hybrid working even if things will return to a semblance of normality.

If you feel like your teams aren’t operating well, the first thing you need to do is examine your own leadership style. This is an uncomfortable exercise, but critical to changing an office dynamic that is unsatisfactory. I’ve sought the advice of some of the great coaches I know and received some excellent and actionable advice to help leaders connect with their people.

The exercise.

Take a moment and carefully consider the office dynamics (hybrid or otherwise) which you find concerning. Write down what you believe the problem to be.

Now ask yourself: are these issues coming from team leaders…

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