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Outsourcing offshore? How to pick the perfect partner (and get customers on board)

IbyIMD+ Published 12 November 2021 in Strategy • 7 min read

Offshore partners can benefit customers, here’s what to look for when outsourcing.

For many years Australian companies have been reaping the benefits of outsourcing services. Today, more than 30,000 Australian companies have offshore partners in countries such as the Philippines, and around 70 percent of leading businesses in Australia outsource IT support teams for their technology needs. One of the benefits of outsourcing in low-cost countries like the Philippines is low production and labour costs. But from the perspective of the Australian customer, outsourcing isn’t always beneficial, especially when language and colloquial barriers sometimes get in the way of good customer service. Sometimes, offshore workers read from scripts rather than engaging in real conversations with customers, for example. Other cons of outsourcing to offshore partners include issues with quality, company culture, customers’ data privacy and security. But does this mean that…

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