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Brain Circuits

Is negative self-perception harming your career?

IbyIMD+ Published 24 November 2023 in Brain Circuits • 6 min read

Women are more likely than men to think that others have lower confidence in their abilities. Find out if this applies to you – and what you can do about it.

Do you correctly predict how others perceive you? Aligning meta-perceptions to reality is important because it can impact our behavior. For example, if I think I have what it takes to occupy the CEO’s office, but I doubt the decision-makers would see it that way, I may assume it’s futile to apply in the first place. This kind of negative meta-perception becomes a self-limiting behavior.

Ask yourself about these three common, self-limiting behaviors and see if you can correct them.

As more women take up leadership positions, the generalization that we lack confidence is cracking. And yet, as old stereotypes are challenged by new realities, some crucial misperceptions remain concerning the appearance of a lack of confidence. Addressing those could unlock potential for the good of all.
As more women take up leadership positions, the generalization that they lack confidence is cracking. And yet, as old stereotypes are challenged by new realities, some crucial misperceptions remain concerning the appearance of a lack of confidence. Addressing those could unlock potential for the good of all
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