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Brain Circuits

Does your company’s training stand up to this test?

IbyIMD+Published 3 November 2022 in Brain Circuits • 3 min read

It’s no secret that organizations must be constantly evolving to keep up with rapid change. However, there are certain aspects of operations that sometimes elude leaders. If your company’s education and training hasn’t transformed to meet the needs of a new generation, you may have trouble attracting and retaining the next big group of workers. For today’s exercise, ask yourself these questions.

How does your company’s training connect to your purpose?

If you can’t answer this question, you need to rethink the core strategy behind your training and culture. To boost engagement and retention, people want to connect with something that has a greater meaning. If you don’t tailor training to a shared purpose that employees can connect with, you risk losing them, especially when it comes to the millennial workforce.

Are you training people outside their…

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