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Brain Circuits

4 pillars for today’s operations management 

IbyIMD+ Published 21 May 2024 in Brain Circuits • 3 min read

Operations management built on a foundation of trust, talent, transparency, and technology can help companies not only react to but anticipate future disruptions.

Amid uncertainty, companies need agility, flexibility, and speed. With supply chain disruptions becoming the new normal, decision-making should be dispersed to the points in the organization where it makes sense for them to be made.

This is why we need a new model of operations management to replace the old command and control model. Making this model work requires four vital enablers: trust, talent, transparency, and technology.


Delegate decision-making and trust that your decision-makers will do what’s best for the company. At the same time, operators must understand which issues to escalate and how. Mutual trust should be the bedrock of your operations management model.

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