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Brain Circuits

4 key moves for embedding ethical AI in business 

IbyIMD+ Published 3 June 2024 in Brain Circuits • 3 min read

Leaders should make sure they (1) translate, (2) integrate, (3) calibrate and (4) proliferate responsible AI practices in business operations.  

Technical and non-technical leaders have important roles to play in the implementation of responsible artificial intelligence (AI) practices. After engaging with organizations across various industries at all stages of implementation, here are four key moves we have identified for leaders:

1. Translate

Translate high-level principles, as seen in many templates for ethical charters on the use of AI, into practical guidance that is clear and helpful.

  • Facilitate alignment by keeping teams together. Make sure your governance structure supports collaboration between compliance and digital teams. Explain the importance of working closely together on responsible AI goals.
  • Facilitate open dialogue where members of many different teams can share their input for problem-solving.
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