Case Study

Gramophone Company of India (B): Operating in the digital age

8 pages
October 2000
Reference: IMD-5-0569

This case is a follow-up to the A case, titled Gramophone Company of India (A): The Digital Distribution Challenge. It chronicles the decisions taken by top management in August 2000 regarding the company’s Internet and e-commerce strategy for each of its principal divisions. The B case also introduces some of the more recent developments in the worldwide music industry, such as the growing popularity of Napster, whose software permits music lovers to download music free of charge. Participants will be challenged to think about how Gramophone should respond to the threat of rampant piracy and how the music industry will be transformed by the digitization of music.

Distribution, Internet, Music
Published Sources
© 2000
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This case study is part of a series
  • Gramophone Company of India (A): The digital distribution challenge
  • Gramophone Company of India (A): The digital distribution challenge (Abridged)
  • Gramophone Company of India (B): Operating in the digital age
This case study is part of a series
  • Gramophone Company of India (A): The digital distribution challenge
  • Gramophone Company of India (A): The digital distribution challenge (Abridged)
  • Gramophone Company of India (B): Operating in the digital age
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Gramophone Company of India (A): The digital distribution challenge
By Nirmalya Kumar and Brian Rogers
Case reference: IMD-5-0568 ©2000
Gramophone Company of India owned the largest catalog of Indian music, dating back to the early 1900s. During the 1990s, in a remarkable turnaroun...
Reference IMD-5-0568
Copyright ©2000
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications

Gramophone Company of India (A): The digital distribution challenge (Abridged)
By Nirmalya Kumar and Brian Rogers
Case reference: IMD-5-0567 ©2000
Gramophone Company of India owned the largest catalog of Indian music, dating back to the early 1900s. During the 1990s, in a remarkable turnaroun...
Reference IMD-5-0567
Copyright ©2000
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications