Case Study

GMA Garnet: Partnering for environmental mining

12 pages
May 2019
Reference: IMD-7-2075

PERTH, AUSTRALIA, September 2016. Torsten Ketelsen’s history, for the last 30 years, had been deeply intertwined with that of garnet, the hardest industrial sand. He very much created a market for it, then brought GMA Garnet to a market leader position with a 40 per cent global market share. GMA Garnet’s success was based on the exceptional quality of the product and on the company`s complete control over the whole production and distribution cycle, from mining to processing, logistics, shipping and distribution to the final user world-wide as well as reprocessing and recycling. The industrial success story also benefited from the support of its controlling shareholder, Jebsen & Jessen Family Enterprise, a true master of entrepreneurial partnerships. But how did the Jebsen & Jessen Family Enterprise`s overarching legacy, values, governance, business model and growth strategy contributed to the success of GMA Garnet? How will this relationship support or hamper the ambitious goals set for the company’s future? What were the implications of the family firms’ commitment to environmental mining practices and a circular economy in that context?

Learning Objective

Sustainability, circular business models, recycling, managing fast growth, management and ownership succession, venturing, managing partnerships, vertical integration, portfolio diversification, frontier markets, stewardship, values and ethics

Family Business, Sustainability, Strategy, Circular Economy, Recycling, Partnering, Governance, Entrepreneurship, Venturing, Trust, Succession, Growth Management, Distribution Management, Vertical Integration
GMA Garnet Group, Jebsen and Jessen, Materials, Metals and Mining
Field Research
© 2019
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This case study is part of a series
  • GMA Garnet: Partnering for environmental mining
  • Jebsen & Jessen Family Enterprise: A Hong from the cold
This case study is part of a series
  • GMA Garnet: Partnering for environmental mining
  • Jebsen & Jessen Family Enterprise: A Hong from the cold
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GMA Garnet: Partnering for environmental mining
By Benoit F. Leleux and Marta Widz
Case reference: IMD-7-2075 ©2019
PERTH, AUSTRALIA, September 2016. Torsten Ketelsen’s history, for the last 30 years, had been deeply intertwined with that of garnet, the hardest i...
Reference IMD-7-2075
Copyright ©2019
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Organization GMA Garnet Group, Jebsen and Jessen
Industry Materials, Metals and Mining
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications

Jebsen & Jessen Family Enterprise: A Hong from the cold
By Benoit F. Leleux and Marta Widz
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Reference IMD-7-1859
Copyright ©2016
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Organization GMA Garnet Group, Jebsen and Jessen
Industry Manufacturing, Industrial Goods;Consumer Goods, Luxury Goods and Jewelry;Manufacturing
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications