Six reasons to choose the IMD EMBA

Six reasons to choose the IMD EMBA


You can trust IMD for world-class leadership and business development. Founded by business leaders for business leaders, IMD has been ranked for more than 15 consecutive years in the top 5 of the Financial Times’ Executive Education Global Ranking and #1 in the world for open enrolment programs for nine consecutive years.

Here are six reasons to choose IMD Executive MBA.

1. #1 Leadership development
 - IMD Business School

IMD is consistently ranked #1 business school for executive leadership development. Impactful leadership is at the heart of your ability to drive positive change. When you join the IMD Executive MBA, your leadership development is integrated into each of your learning steps and personalized with regular reflection, coaching and application to ensure your results are relevant, applicable and powerfully transformative for you, your teams and the wider society.

2. Award-winning faculty. Experts in executive education
 - IMD Business School

IMD’s award-winning faculty are experts in executive education. They fully dedicate their time to working with senior leaders – both in company and in the classroom – understanding their critical business issues and empowering them with the knowledge and capabilities to solve their real-world challenges and create sustainable, meaningful change. This combined expertise of IMD faculty is unique, which is why many of the world’s leading organizations choose IMD. At the Executive MBA, you benefit from faculty’s unique expertise at every step of your journey with learning that is hyper-relevant and impactful, informed by real-world insights. You gain industry exposure through company visits, themed immersion weeks, cutting-edge case studies, personal introductions, in-company consulting opportunities and much more. Faculty’s mission is to share their deep business expertise and passion for topics that will inspire and transform you personally and professionally.

3. Champions of innovation and entrepreneurship
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Whether your goal is to research the feasibility of a new business idea, are thinking of starting a new venture within your organization, have start-up experience or are new to the idea, we will champion your entrepreneurial mindset to ensure you achieve the destination you want. You will experience exciting futures as you gear up your entrepreneurship and innovation skills. You will travel to Silicon Valley to pitch to VCs and angels, plus work with promising start-ups, analysing, challenging and shaping business strategies. Who knows – your pitch may even turn into the next unicorn!

4. Delivering first-hand experience in international locations
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You don’t simply learn about global issues at IMD, you experience them first-hand when you participate in Global Immersion Weeks, carefully chosen to guarantee the greatest impact on your learning and development. Whether you learn about social innovation and impact investment in Peru or corporate transformations in India, you will exponentially grow your understanding and skills related to global business issues.

5. Powerful executive network
 - IMD Business School

Your peers represent a powerful development opportunity for you. With more than 60% of participants at director level and 50% postgraduate level with 16 years of work experience, you will be introduced to a senior and C-suite executive network who will support you throughout your EMBA journey and your career beyond.

6. Personalized career acceleration
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Voted #2 worldwide for salary progression, IMD are experts in career acceleration. Whether you plan to change employment after the EMBA or grow your career within your current company, pro-actively planning your career path and leveraging your resources is critical to your success. Throughout the Mastery Stage of the EMBA, you work both onsite and at a distance through a series of workshops, webinars, career management tools and counselling with an experienced Career Strategist who will be matched with you according to your needs.

What our participants say

The quality and diversity of class members – both in terms of culture and industry – was truly exceptional. Together, we shared an amazing wealth of experience and each of us was always ready to push the boundaries.

Sibongile Gumbi IMD EMBA graduate - IMD Business School
Sibongile Gumbi CEO & Founder, Smart Biotech. South Africa

Developing my entrepreneurial skills in Silicon Valley with the EMBA has shown me that there are literally no limits to what we can do. I see possibilities out there for myself professionally and for my personal fulfilment in a much broader way.

Anda Cristescu IMD MBA Graduate - IMD Business School
Anda Cristescu Global Customer Operations Leader, Cargill Agricultural Supply Chain, Switzerland

It’s a transformative experience that pushes you to ask yourself deep-rooted relevant questions about your purpose in life and how to be an effective leader.

abdullah-al-harthy - IMD Business School
Abdullah Al-Harthy Ministry of Finance, Oman

IMD is the only school where you really dive into concrete, down-to-earth learning that enables you to immediately deliver and apply it in your professional environment.

IMD EMBA graduate Christophe Regnault - IMD Business School
Christophe Regnault Head Of Marketing, The LHoFT, Luxembourg

131+ global companies sponsored multiple students in the IMD EMBA