Your Strategic Thinking learning journey

Activate your edge with impactful strategies

Your Strategic Thinking learning journey

Activate your edge with impactful strategies

Master the art of strategic thinking

IMD’s Strategic Thinking program is an engaging journey that will empower you with the tools and confidence to make impactful strategic decisions.

Through many practical case studies, assignments, and insights from industry leaders, you’ll learn how to navigate uncertainty, adapt to dynamic environments, prioritize your actions, and drive meaningful transformation for your organization.

The program is designed as an 8-week learning journey, where each week delves into a distinct topic and offers a blend of educational resources.

Program overview
Unit 1: What is strategy? Introduction to the program
  • Understand the main program themes.
  • Create personal learning objectives.
  • Meet the participants.
Unit 2: Strategic analysis
  • Conduct an external analysis, considering sustainability and technological disruptions such as AI.
  • Draw a value constellation.
  • Define future markets strategically.
  • Gain varied industry, geographic, and functional perspectives through group work.
Unit 3: Assessing resources and capabilities
  • Identify your organization’s resources and capabilities.
  • Assess your current and potential future competitive advantage.
  • Work in pairs on an organizational case study.
Unit 4: Strategic diagnosis and strategy moves
  • Diagnose your organization’s internal strengths and weaknesses and the external opportunities and threats.
  • Search for the strategic ‘sweet spot’ by exploring alternative strategic moves.
Unit 5: Business Model Canvas
  • Design business models using the Business Model Canvas.
  • Create value propositions based on customer insights.
  • Innovate your revenue model.
Unit 6: Strategic choices
  • Identify, evaluate, and choose between strategic experiments.
  • Study innovation as it relates to value delivery and value proposition.
  • Learn how strategic innovation helps organizations outpace competitors.
Unit 7: Strategy implementation
  • Assess your organization’s culture as the core of the McKinsey 7 S model for strategic planning.
  • Relate your strategy to the other six Ss within the model.
  • Learn how to empower change agents for strategy implementation.
Unit 8: Moving forward
  • Embed learning processes to improve your strategy.
  • Address the challenges of ambidextrous leadership.
  • Define your job as a strategist.

One-on-one coaching

Throughout your online learning, you’ll be accompanied by an experienced IMD executive coach who will challenge you, encourage you, and provide valuable feedback on your weekly assignments. Together, you’ll dive deeper into the program content and make it meaningful to your own professional context. Your interactions will take place via video, in writing, and over the phone.

An online program participant having a coaching session via video

Achieve your goals

Your expert coach helps you:


Define your learning objectives and stay on track.


Review your progress on a weekly basis.


Overcome your challenges.


Apply what you learn to your own context.