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Impact Story
The National CEO custom program

Developing the next generation of Oman’s leaders

Impact Story

The National CEO custom program

Developing the next generation of Oman’s leaders

The National CEO Program Oman: Leadership development program


The National CEO program is an initiative launched by the Public Private Partnership Taskforce (Sharaka). Its goal is to develop the next generation of public and private sector Omani leaders and executives to increase international competitiveness and unlock economic growth.


To find ways to enhance and identify new collaboration opportunities between the public and private sector to create individual and nationwide success by addressing the challenges of mindset, trust and capability building.

Custom approach

The Public Private Partnership Taskforce chose IMD as its knowledge, capability building and mindset changing partner to create a comprehensive program to take place over nine months and across three different countries. Using a mix of theory, experiential exercises and project work, participants from both the private and public sectors come together to achieve new insights and cohesiveness. Using an innovative mixed team setting (half public, half private sector) individuals are placed into challenging, previously unseen simulation exercises requiring all members to work together and collectively brainstorm solutions.


The comprehensive nature of The National CEO Program enables participants to leave the program with enhanced leadership skills, new strategic capabilities and broadened business knowledge fostering both personal and professional growth. Participants gain concrete, meaningful and actionable ideas from the projects they complete during the program. New cross sector/industry relationships forged help future leaders identify where their companies’ current strengths lie, and where new collaboration can lead to innovative opportunities for the future.

The National CEO Program Oman: Custom Leadership Development Program