Program participants - IMD Business School Program participants - IMD Business School Program participants - IMD Business School
Client stories

IMD offers more than 260 custom programs annually to over 150 global organizations, of which 73% are repeat clients

Client stories

IMD offers more than 260 custom programs annually to over 150 global organizations, of which 73% are repeat clients

Tomas Carlsson, President and CEO NCC

“What I’ve seen in this journey, is that patience is key. It’s easy to think, as a senior manager, that you have all the answers. With patience, you can improve on them and get acceptance from the organization.”

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 - IMD Business School

Not only do we value IMD’s insights on what is happening in the market, IMD really understands our business language and provides a lot of flexibility in the co-design of the program which brings true value to our organization.

Valéria Balasteguim VP HR Latin America | Electrolux