- IMD Business School  - IMD Business School  - IMD Business School
Impact Story
ABB capability building program

Personalized online learning brings the IMD experience to ABB employees worldwide

Impact Story

ABB capability building program

Personalized online learning brings the IMD experience to ABB employees worldwide

I was maybe a little bit skeptical on how well an online course could actually engage and inspire, but it did both. There were also a lot of off-line assignments. The program far exceeded my expectations … I appreciated the interactive element designed into the course: the coach … and the changing weekly working groups offered a great network of fellow leaders from different countries, organizations and backgrounds. Exchanging ideas and reflecting on the weekly topics in this kind of environment was great.

 - IMD Business School
Maija Karhusaari Senior Vice President ABB, Finland

ABB: Capability building program


IMD has launched a series of online-based programs bringing the quality of its top-ranked face-to-face learning to the offices of executives worldwide. Participants in IMD’s new Global Leadership in the Cloud series engage in a highly-personalized and interactive experience, with individual coaching, learning partners, feedback and recommendations provided throughout the programs.


The IMD challenge was to provide ABB with a cost and time effective solution for exposing larger numbers of executives to learning about essential business fundamentals. The new custom program should offer the best and most impactful learning experience but also allowing participants to continue to perform at their jobs all over the world.

Custom approach

The Global Leadership in the Cloud programs offered a high amount of interaction with other participants and personalized feedback from dedicated coaches. Off-line and group work give participants the opportunity to apply the concepts to real world situations.

Sections of the programs are tailored to identifying and developing individual skills. IMD’s Global Leadership in the Cloud programs can be offered to companies like ABB as stand-alone programs on specific business challenges or can be separated into targeted modules and combined with face-to-face sessions to create a 100% tailored learning experience.


IMD’s Global Leadership in the Cloud program Learning Leadership was awarded a gold medal by Brandon Hall Consulting, a leading learning and development research firm, for the best advance in unique learning technology in 2015.

The entries were evaluated by an international panel of independent industry experts and Brandon Hall Group senior analysts. The judging was based on design, functionality, usability, innovation and overall measureable benefits. Judges said that the personal approach to every learner was what differentiated the program. Individual assignments and interaction with program coaches and partners take the learning to a personal level.
