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Impact Story
UniCredit custom program

UniCredit aligns leadership and strategy

Impact Story

UniCredit custom program

UniCredit aligns leadership and strategy

UniCredit: Leadership development program


UniCredit is a trusted European commercial bank. It is currently focused on addressing a substantial turnaround in the market. The company arrived at IMD with the desire to strive for excellence, aligning their leaders, both current and future with their new strategy.


UniCredit already had a well-developed strategic plan but needed a boost on the next step of its journey – the optimal way to execute this new strategy and enhance the alignment of its leaders.

Custom approach

The Business Leaders for Transform 2019 program was created following several trips by IMD faculty to company headquarters in Milan, Italy to determine the company’s specific needs. Through close collaboration with UniCredit, and after extensive interviews with its business leaders, IMD then designed a customized program matched to the strategic objectives of the company to address their needs.


The program enabled company executives to return to their various business units with specific actions to execute their new strategy and with concrete ideas on how to create a more high-performance, collaborative business culture going forward. Providing leaders with both a heightened awareness of themselves as well as that of their colleagues, the program helped them to work more effectively as one team, empowering them to extract maximum value from their client base.

Gianfranco Bisagni, Co-Head of Corporate & Investment Banking

“The challenge faced by UniCredit, it was big change in the market, big reaction, position on capital and NPL. Transform, I think, is addressing all these issues, and the contribution from the leaders and the future leader is critical for success.”