High-impact results for your career

Pave your way to success in your new role.

High-impact results for your career

Pave your way to success in your new role.

Create your action plan and set yourself up for success

This program is designed to help leaders who are taking on a new role to accelerate their leadership transition. Executives will leave the program with a detailed action plan for creating the momentum they need to succeed in their new role.

*Survey of 2022-2023 program participants

of participants say they have become a more effective leader.*
of participants say they have successfully applied the new learnings to their job.*
of participants say they felt more self-confident after attending the program.*
What our participants say about the program
 - IMD Business School
Farooq Ahmed Shaikh

CEO, Logipoint, Saudi Arabia

I highly recommend this program to those who are taking over positions as new leaders. Michael Watkins takes you through a step-by-step process of creating first impressions, working with new teams, and securing early wins.

 - IMD Business School
Guido Caniglia

Scientific Director, Leuphana Universitat Lüneburg, Germany

The First 90 Days® featured unique short assignments, where we were able to discuss our specific situations. This, combined with the overall approach of teamwork and discussions, was very effective and insightful. Michael Watkins offers an exemplary instructional style: clear, open and receptive.