- IMD Business School
 - IMD Business School
Ulrich Steger

Professor Emeritus of Environmental Management

Further information will be provided shortly.

Academic publications
Insight for Executives
What now, board members?

The saying “recessions reveal what auditors did not” also holds true for corporate governance. After all, good corporate governance is about making sounder decisions and ensuring better management....

Economics Corporate Governance
12 February 2009
Corporate responsibility: Beyond the hype

The article discusses the findings of an empirical study which examined the influence of stakeholders in the decision-making of companies in Europe. The study investigated stakeholder groups, inclu...

Sustainability Stakeholder Management Strategy
1 May 2008
Komplexitätsmanagement in globalen Unternehmen

Wie alles begann "Komplexität" gilt oft als das neueste Schlagwort für eine gegenwärtig zwar verbreitete, aber nicht nachhaltige Realität. Stellt man den Führungskräften global agierender Unternehm...

Diversity and Equity and Inclusion General Management Leadership
12 December 2007
Unternehmen und Gesellschaft: Wer drängt wen?

Sudien zeigen, dass der Einfluss von aussen auf die Wirtschaft überschätzt wird - Stakeholder nutzen zwar ihere Chancen, cohc die Möglichkeiten sind begrenzt.

Stakeholder Management
26 November 2007
Lukratives Vorausschauen

Wie können gesellschaftliche, und ökologische Entwicklungen rechtzeiting in die Unternehmensstrategie integriert werden? Unternehmen beschäftigen sich intensiv mit entsprechenden Fragestellunge.

Strategy Sustainability
1 January 2007
Créer un label de qualité: Le cas du poisson MSC

Pour lutter contre les prélèvements sauvages dans les océans, Unilever et le WWF ont lancé un label pêche durable, le MSC. Mais celui-ci peine à s'imposer à l'échelle mondiale.

Sustainability Operations
1 January 2007
The ecomomic foundations of corporate sustainability

The purpose of this paper is to fill the void of empirical cross-industry research in the area of corporate sustainability management and its business case. Nine industries (oil and gas, utility, a...

Sustainability Performance Management
1 January 2007
Mit einem innovativen Vertrieb die Frauen Fördern

1 November 2006
Die soziale Verantwortung von Unternehmen

Vielen gelten Programme zur sozialen Verantwortung und zur Nachhaltigkeit nur als Feigenblätter für die Unternehmen. Eine Studie zeigt nun, dass zwar die Manager der Firmen wenig tun, aber auch die...

Sustainability Stakeholder Management
1 July 2006
Herding your subsidiaries towards good governance

No regulation could probably have prevented the recent catastrophes at Enron, Ahold and Parmalat: and, by the same token, you will never fully know what is going on at your subsidiaries. However, i...

Communication Corporate Governance
6 April 2006
Climate change: Threat or opportunity?

In this article, authors say that climate change is a highly complex management issue, and in assessing their options, companies should weigh up internal relevance and overall value chain impact be...

1 February 2006
Predicting where the pressure groups will strike

The emphasis for companies today may be on maximising value for shareholders but the old issue of responding to other stakeholders in an organisation has not gone away. Indeed, it may even be on th...

Business Ethics Sustainability
1 February 1998
Der grosse Wandel steht noch bevor

23 October 1997
Umweltschutz schafft Wettbewerbsvorteile: Neue Instrumente integrieren ökologische Massnahmen in den Geschäftserfolg

Sustainability Economics
1 January 1997
The greening of industry: The hardest bit is still to come

Environmental management now cuts across all functions of a company, and has to be ingrained into processes and routines. Production is the classical area of environmental regulation, with the emph...

General Management Sustainability
19 January 1996