Australia – Melbourne
Our group is a gathering of Melbourne-based IMD alumni across years and courses. It is very diverse and includes alumni who have completed the E/MBA at IMD as well as those who have completed other IMD executive education programs.
The group is very informal and typically meets four or so times every year for lunch. These meetings regularly feature high profile guest speakers — we recently had CEO level speakers from banking, advertising and chemicals.
We would be delighted to connect with you and welcome your attendance at one of our events, whether you reside in Melbourne or are just visiting for a short time.
Best regards,
The Melbourne IMD Alumni group is very informal and convenes about 4 meetings per year, usually a lunch that includes a high profile guest speaker.
How to be informed about our activities, events and news?
- If you have already been receiving our emailings, there is no need for further action.
- If you are not receiving our emailings, you will need to register as a member of our Club (free of charge). Please click on Join or send us an email to signup for the Alumni Club membership. All IMD Alumni worldwide are eligible to become a member of our Club.
Please make sure that IMD has a valid email address for you on file. Please visit MyProfile.
Committee Member
With over 20 years of experience in international healthcare, Dr Julie Wehbe has been based and practising in Australia since 2005. She has held a range of senior positions in public and private healthcare across the country.
Julie owns private medical specialist practice focusing on adult ADHD and eating disorders. She is also the founder and director of a high-tech healthcare company which focuses on digital safety and global coverage of healthcare services for professionals, both in their home countries and abroad. Julie’s other professional appointments included the position of Adjunct Lecturer at Monash University Medical School, Australia-wide Steering Committee for Binge-Eating Disorders. Her other roles include President of IMD Melbourne Alumni Club, Australian Medical Association Council, and Member of the Avant Advisory Membership Forum.
Julie conducts extensive research in digital transitions and safety, including personal data privacy and storage. She speaks at conferences and other professional events on a range of topics. Julie holds Master’s Degree in Medicine and a specialty in Psychiatry and Child Psychiatry, as well as Master’s Degree in Psychology, and a degree in Global Executive Master of Business Administration from the top-ranked International School for Management Development, IMD (Lausanne, Switzerland).
Director, International Consultants Centre, Australia.
Experience in management and consulting roles in UK, Middle East, US and Asia.
Held board positions in Australia with an associate company of Mercer and a university entity.
Also held memberships to advisory boards in Asia Pacific.
BSc, Dip Ed
IMD Ambassador
To reach directly:
Tel: +61 411 145 140
Professional non-executive director
Board roles include Chairman, and Chair of Audit and Remuneration Committees
Extensive international operational management experience
B Eng, MBA, FAICD, FFinsia
To reach directly:
Tel: +61 417 541 305
General Manager Finance, MMG
Diverse international career covering finance and global projects including roles in Australia,
the UK and the US
Extensive career with ICI
To reach directly:
Tel: +61 402 742 930