IMD Alumni Club
Australia – Melbourne
IMD Alumni Club

Australia – Melbourne

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Welcome to the IMD Alumni Club of Australia – Melbourne

Our group is a gathering of Melbourne-based IMD alumni across years and courses. It is very diverse and includes alumni who have completed the E/MBA at IMD as well as those who have completed other IMD executive education programs.


The group is very informal and typically meets four or so times every year for lunch. These meetings regularly feature high profile guest speakers — we recently had CEO level speakers from banking, advertising and chemicals.


We would be delighted to connect with you and welcome your attendance at one of our events, whether you reside in Melbourne or are just visiting for a short time.


Best regards,

The Alumni Club of Australia – Melbourne Team
  • Upcoming Events
  • Past Events
  • Membership

    The Melbourne IMD Alumni group is very informal and convenes about 4 meetings per year, usually a lunch that includes a high profile guest speaker.

    How to be informed about our activities, events and news?

    • If you have already been receiving our emailings, there is no need for further action.
    • If you are not receiving our emailings, you will need to register as a member of our Club (free of charge). Please click on Join or send us an email to signup for the Alumni Club membership. All IMD Alumni worldwide are eligible to become a member of our Club.


    Please make sure that IMD has a valid email address for you on file. Please visit MyProfile.