Jack Denfeld Wood

Professor Emeritus of Leadership and Organizational Behavior

Jack Denfeld Wood is Professor Emeritus of Leadership and Organizational Behavior. His publications and areas of special interest include the role of unconscious processes in leadership and followership, group and inter-group dynamics, and ideology.

Along with his academic work and organizational consultation, Wood was Professor of Management Practice at the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) in China, and a visiting professor at the Moscow School of Management (Skolkovo), Russia. He is a practicing analyst with a diploma from the CG Jung Institute, Zürich, and is a member of the American Psychological Association (APA), the American Academy of Management (AOM), the AK Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems (AKRI), International Transactional Analysis Association (ITAA), and the International Association of Analytical Psychology (IAAP), and has been published in Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Transactional Analysis Journal, the Financial Times, Forbes, and elsewhere.

Wood’s view of leadership is multilevel, multidimensional, and social-psychological, i.e., he considers leadership not simply an individual collection of traits, nor a series of interpersonal transactions, but leadership is then a social and psychological process that is fundamentally exercised in the small group. Organizational behavior is consequently an expression of conscious cognitive and largely unconscious emotional group and intergroup dynamics. The primary task of leadership development, then, is then to provide the opportunity for individuals to develop their capacity to exercise leadership responsibly.

Wood majored in Government at Colby College in the United States and was an active duty US Air Force officer and pilot following graduation. Following active duty, he continued to fly aircraft for the Air National Guard while earning an MA in social psychology at Syracuse University, and an MA, MPhil, and PhD in organizational behavior at Yale University. His doctoral dissertation was A Theory of Small Group Structure, and combined field and multivariate quantitative research, developing methods for conceptualizing ideology and its influence on the structure, dynamics, and leadership decision making of small groups.

Insight for Executives
Entdeckung des Unbewussten - warum man Führung nicht lehren kann

1 April 2011
Learn to Lead

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4 June 2010
In the crowded leadership development market, understanding the difference between coaches, counsellors, and psychotherapists is vital

In recent years, the trend in executive education has turned increasingly toward behavioural topics. Corporations come to business schools and consulting firms seeking professionals skilled in deve...

Organizational Learning Coaching
1 February 2006
How TA found a way

Eric Berne, a psychoanalyst, forged a new innovative path in the field of psychotherapy through reacting positively to rejection and bein a team player.

Leadership Team Dynamics Organizational Behavior
1 October 2005
Hinter den Kulissen von Verhandlungen

28 February 1998
Verhandlungen sind eine Frage des Klimas

29 November 1997
Viele denken immer noch in Länder-Schubladen

28 November 1997
Was macht Menschen zu Leadern?

7 November 1997
Der Mensch, das unbekannte Wesen

18 July 1997
Construire une équipe: La mise en épreuve

Team Dynamics
23 May 1997
La nature de l'idéologie

2 May 1997
Leadership à deux tête

25 April 1997
Qu'est-ce qui fait le leader?

18 April 1997
Mener à bien des négociations

28 March 1997
Les coulisses de la négociation

21 March 1997
L'art subtil de la négociation

14 March 1997
La culture n'explique pas tout

Organizational Culture
28 February 1997
Une discipline vitale

Organizational Behavior
24 January 1997