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Drinkotec: ‘The product is just the tip of the iceberg’

22 August 2023 • by Jim Pulcrano in Strategy

While the founders and owners of Tech for Good companies are often driven by the ability to have an impact, day-to-day they face the same challenges that other startups do - finding...

While the founders and owners of Tech for Good companies are often driven by the ability to have an impact, day-to-day they face the same challenges that other startups do – finding investors and customers and learning how to build teams and manage conflict. 

In episode three, Franck-Eric Flegbo, CEO of Swiss beverage tech company Drinkotec, which specializes in software and the manufacturing of vending machine equipment for cold drinks, explains how the company’s aim to reduce plastic and improve energy consumption in the sector is helping build relationships with customers. 

Flegbo defines success as creating a company that can last for decades and shines a light on the people working hard behind the scenes to make it all happen. 


Franck-Eric Flegbo

Franck-Eric Flegbo

CEO of Swiss beverage tech company Drinkotec

Franck-Eric Flegbo is the CEO of Swiss startup Drinkotec. He took part in the 2022 edition of LeadiNNg to Scale Up and he learned how to grow his company from IMD Faculty.


Jim Pulcrano

Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurship and Management

Jim Pulcrano is an IMD Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurship and Management. His current projects include teaching in Lausanne, London and Silicon Valley, research on disruption, and various strategy, networking, customer-centricity, and innovation mandates with multinationals in Europe, Asia, and the US. At IMD, He is Director of the Venture Capital Asset Management (VCAM) program and teaches on the Executive MBA (EMBA), Orchestrating Winning Performance (OWP), and full-time MBA programs.

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