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Tech for Good

Enerdrape: ‘I realized if I didn’t do it, it would never get out of the lab’

22 August 2023 • by Jim Pulcrano in Tech for Good

Some startup founders never intend to start their own ventures. But sometimes a technology comes along that is too good to ignore....

Some startup founders never intend to start their own ventures. But sometimes a technology comes along that is too good to ignore. This was the case for Margaux Peltier, founder and CEO of Enerdrape, which has developed geothermal panels which can turn underground spaces, such as parking lots and tunnels, into renewable energy sources to heat or cool buildings. 

In this second episode, Peltier discusses the challenge of winning over the first customer that is willing to pioneer your technology, and the next steps to scale Enerdrape into a global leader in cleantech solutions to decarbonize cities. 


Margaux Peltier

Margaux Peltier

Founder and CEO of Enerdrape

Margaux is a science-based entrepreneur and engineer, in charge of the development of Enerdrape strategy and its execution. During her master thesis, she testimonies the untapped potential of shallow geothermal energy and realized the need of innovation in this domain. Prior to founding Enerdrape, she worked on several R&D projects on BIPV-T, solar-power houses and sustainable construction, as well as engineer in HVAC and energy geostructures.


Jim Pulcrano

Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurship and Management

Jim Pulcrano is an IMD Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurship and Management. His current projects include teaching in Lausanne, London and Silicon Valley, research on disruption, and various strategy, networking, customer-centricity, and innovation mandates with multinationals in Europe, Asia, and the US. At IMD, He is Director of the Venture Capital Asset Management (VCAM) program and teaches on the Executive MBA (EMBA), Orchestrating Winning Performance (OWP), and full-time MBA programs.

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