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How AI is taking the Biotech industry by storm

5 April 2024 • by Michael R. Wade, Amit M. Joshi in Podcasts

Mike & Amit discuss how artificial intelligence may revolutionize healthcare, and improve our collective quality of life...

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There have been incredible advances in biotech over the last decade, and today, technology is ever-present in life sciences.

Digital tools like AI and machine learning are increasingly used in the development of pharmaceuticals, while physical products like CRISPR are allowing us to edit the very building blocks of life. As Amit Joshi says, we now have “Photoshop for DNA.”

But are these advances getting the attention they deserve?

Mike and Amit argue that in recent years, biotech has been overshadowed by the rise of AI assistants, NFTs, and cryptocurrency.

To balance the scales, this week our IMD professors discuss how artificial intelligence may revolutionize healthcare, and how new technologies may improve our collective quality of life.


Michael Wade is the TONOMUS Professor of Strategy and Digital and Director of the TONOMUS Global Center for Digital and AI Transformation. An expert in AI and digital transformation, he has published 10 books and more than 100 case studies and articles on topics such as AI strategy, digital innovation, and leadership.

Amit Joshi is a Professor of AI, Analytics, and Marketing Strategy. He specializes in helping organizations use artificial intelligence and develop their big data, analytics, and AI capabilities. An award-winning professor and researcher, he has extensive experience in AI and analytics-driven transformations in industries such as banking, fintech, retail, automotive, telecoms, and pharma.

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