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Brain Circuits

Matrix organization: 5 implementation pitfalls to avoid 

IbyIMD+ Published 27 May 2024 in Brain Circuits • 4 min read

Ensure a smoother transition and maximize the benefits of the matrix structure with mitigation strategies for five common implementation issues.

After looking at the advantages, challenges and design principles of matrix organizations, here is a look at five common implementation challenges and some strategies for mitigating them:

1st challenge: Lack of leadership alignment and support

  • Mitigation Strategy A: Engage the leadership team early to ensure alignment and accountability.
  • Mitigation Strategy B: Establish clear expectations to help ensure consistent support for the matrix structure.

  • 2nd challenge: Resistance to change

  • Mitigation strategy A: Clearly communicate the rationale behind the change.
  • Mitigation strategy B: Engage stakeholders in the design process.
  • Mitigation strategy C: Provide training and support to foster buy-in and ease the transition.

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