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Brain Circuits

How to be an even better ally at work 

IbyIMD+ Published 10 June 2024 in Brain Circuits • 2 min read

Do you wonder how you can actively support your LGBTQ+ colleagues? Here are five tips.

As we celebrate Pride Month, remember that allyship is an ongoing commitment. Here are five behaviors of a great ally:

Listening to understand

You may be completely supportive of LGBTQ+ issues. But it’s a step change to truly understand what members of this group may be facing daily. A great ally takes time to comprehend the discrimination and violence experienced by our friends and colleagues. Serve as a secure base and listen without judgment.

Avoiding personal assumptions

Particularly when starting a new job, people who identify as LGBTQ+ are often confronted with seemingly harmless, but also baseless, presumptions about their personal lives. Be aware of this and avoid making assumptions. Pointed questions about a person’s wife/husband may make it difficult for someone to feel they can be themselves.

Being a sponsor

Invite more people into your professional circles to boost their visibility. A lot of networking and collaboration happens outside of the formal work…

Corporate membership

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