Case Study

Numico (A): Delivering innovation through the supply chain (Abridged)

3 pages
December 2005
Reference: IMD-6-0280

This is an abridged version of IMD-6-0264. Numico, Europe’s second largest infant food manufacturer, decides to refocus its strategy on its core markets after an ill-fated incursion in the US vitamins market that has left it with large losses. An integral part of the strategy is the launching of new and innovative products that address previously untapped needs. The case follows the challenges faced by Numico and its first supplier of finished products during the launch of the first product to be launched under the new strategy.

Supply Chain, New Product Launch, Outsourcing, Demand Forecast, Information Usage, Production Management, Operations Management
Western Europe
November 2002 - January 2004
Field Research
© 2005
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This case study is part of a series
  • Numico (A): Delivering innovation through the supply chain
  • Numico (A): Delivering innovation through the supply chain (Abridged)
  • Numico (B): Transforming the supply chain to support new realities
  • Numico (B): Transforming the supply chain to support new realities (Abridged)
  • Numico (C)
This case study is part of a series
  • Numico (A): Delivering innovation through the supply chain
  • Numico (A): Delivering innovation through the supply chain (Abridged)
  • Numico (B): Transforming the supply chain to support new realities
  • Numico (B): Transforming the supply chain to support new realities (Abridged)
  • Numico (C)
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Numico (A): Delivering innovation through the supply chain
By Carlos Cordon Thomas E. Vollmann and Luis Vivanco
Case reference: IMD-6-0264 ©2004
Numico, Europe's second largest infant food manufacturer, decides to refocus its strategy on its core markets after an ill-fated incursion in the U...
2004 EFMD AWARD WINNER (Supply Chain Management)
Reference IMD-6-0264
Copyright ©2004
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications

Numico (A): Delivering innovation through the supply chain (Abridged)
By Carlos Cordon Thomas E. Vollmann and Luis Vivanco
Case reference: IMD-6-0280 ©2005
This is an abridged version of IMD-6-0264. Numico, Europe's second largest infant food manufacturer, decides to refocus its strategy on its core ma...
Reference IMD-6-0280
Copyright ©2005
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications

Numico (B): Transforming the supply chain to support new realities
By Carlos Cordon Thomas E. Vollmann and Luis Vivanco
Case reference: IMD-6-0266 ©2004
Numico, Europe's second largest infant food manufacturer, refocuses its strategy on its core markets. The key is strategic change - including new ...
2004 EFMD AWARD WINNER (Supply Chain Management)
Reference IMD-6-0266
Copyright ©2004
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications

Numico (B): Transforming the supply chain to support new realities (Abridged)
By Carlos Cordon Thomas E. Vollmann and Luis Vivanco
Case reference: IMD-6-0281 ©2005
This is an abridged version of IMD-6-0266. Numico, Europe's second largest infant food manufacturer, refocuses its strategy on its core markets. Th...
Reference IMD-6-0281
Copyright ©2005
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications

Numico (C)
By Carlos Cordon and François Jäger
Case reference: IMD-6-0271 ©2008
This case illustrates how reorganization projects can evolve over time. The Focus and Link! projects initiated by Mehra in Numico were relatively s...
Reference IMD-6-0271
Copyright ©2008
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications