Case Study

Prisma Iventures (A): Sports rights venturing

12 pages
December 2003
Reference: IMD-3-1356

In 1999, Peter Sprogis, a former professional basketball player, had started Prisma iVentures (PiV), a venturing unit of Prisma Sports & Media, to leverage the sports rights it owned over new technology channels such as interactive television, Internet and mobile telephony.

With only two start-ups under its belt, WorldZap and Global Interactive Gaming (GIG), PiV was in April 2002 faced with a clear and present danger: its principal funder, the Kirch Group of Germany and its KirchMedia division, was in deep financial trouble, and had stopped all funding for GIG in the previous month. While he was able to provide a lifeline to WorldZap, GIG and PiV were now possibly minutes away from the terminal blow. Could he get the Kirch Group to agree to the latest proposal from ISW to salvage GIG? Was there another route to prevent this company from joining Kirch in its descent into hell?

Start-up, Corporate Venturing, Sports Event Marketing, Intellectual Property, Sports Rights Management
April 2002
Field Research
© 2003
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This case study is part of a series
  • Prisma Iventures (A): Sports rights venturing
  • Prisma Iventures (B): Black Wednesday and beyond
This case study is part of a series
  • Prisma Iventures (A): Sports rights venturing
  • Prisma Iventures (B): Black Wednesday and beyond
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Prisma Iventures (A): Sports rights venturing
By Benoit F. Leleux and Patrick Murray
Case reference: IMD-3-1356 ©2003
In 1999, Peter Sprogis, a former professional basketball player, had started Prisma iVentures (PiV), a venturing unit of Prisma Sports & Media, to ...
Reference IMD-3-1356
Copyright ©2003
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications

Prisma Iventures (B): Black Wednesday and beyond
By Benoit F. Leleux and Patrick Murray
Case reference: IMD-3-1357 ©2003
At 10 am on Wednesday 30th April 2002, Cees Zwaard called a meeting to brief the entire company's staff. He explained that despite exhaustive attem...
Reference IMD-3-1357
Copyright ©2003
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications