The case series is based on extensive interviews with key executives at adidas Russia/CIS in charge of implementing the radical IT, supply chain and omnichannel initiatives that transformed adidas Russia/CIS from one of the poorest performers to the new standard within the Group. The initiatives included pioneering the rollout and implementation of key new technologies such as click-and-collect, ship-from-store, endless aisle and RFID – all of this in the face of the massive economic crisis that embroiled Russia. With some 1,200 company-owned stores – the Group’s largest direct retail footprint globally – adidas Russia/CIS was critical to the financial success of the Group as a whole. The case provides an opportunity to discuss the key challenges in the rollout and implementation of cutting-edge IT, supply chain and omnichannel initiatives in one of the most challenging retail and logistics environments, i.e. Russia during the latest economic crisis.
Learning Objective
- The main opportunities and challenges of transforming to a digital supply chain
- Experience, speed of delivery and convenience are what counts for the consumer, more than price
- The importance of putting supply chain management on the boardroom agenda
- How change management is critical for gaining buy-in to new capabilities
- Brick-and-mortar retailers must take more risks if they want to survive in the omnichannel environment
Supply Chain, Information Technology, Entrepreneurial Leadership, Omnichain, Radio-frequency Identification, Emerging Market, Innovation, Retail, Corporate Culture, Change Management, Technology Management, Global, Local, Customer Engagement
Adidas, Manufacturing, Consumer Services, Retail, Consumer Goods, Sports Equipment
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