
Strategies for e-Business - 4th ed.

Concepts and Cases on Value Creation and Digital Business Transformation
808 pages
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  • Presents an overview on developing e-business models, channel management and integration
  • Demonstrates practical use of the concepts and methods using in-depth case studies from a variety of industries
  • Provides tools and methods for implementation of e-business strategies


This is the fourth edition of a unique textbook that provides extensive coverage of the evolution, the current state, and the practice of e-business strategies. It provides a solid introduction to understanding e-business and e-commerce by combining fundamental concepts and application models with practice-based case studies.

An ideal classroom companion for business schools, the authors use their extensive knowledge to show how corporate strategy can imbibe and thrive by adopting vibrant e-business frameworks with proper tools.

Students will gain a thorough knowledge of developing electronic and mobile commerce strategies and the methods to deal with these issues and challenges.


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You can also buy the book on Barnes & Nobles, Book Depository, Orell Füssli and Routledge.

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