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Brain Circuits

Speaking truth about power: Trait-level dominance

Published 29 October 2024 in Brain Circuits • 3 min read

We tend to assume that having more power makes people behave more unethically, but there are numerous examples where it means the opposite. So, what’s the truth about power?

Truth about power #1 

Power generally only leads to unethical behavior when it’s combined with a lack of accountability and a lack of desire to serve others when in a position of power. In fact, research shows that a much more consistent predictor of unethical behavior than the degree of power held by an individual is trait-level dominance.  


Truth about power #2 

As a personality type, trait-level dominance manifests in being narcissistic and inclined to feelings of entitlement. This can engender the desire to outperform others or attain control over them, combined with a tendency to be dominant or forceful in work and social settings. Such personality types are usually conscious of this characteristic and admire it in themselves. 


Truth about power #3 

Because these dominant people seek mainly to accrue the social benefits related to power, they tend to think about what’s good for themselves, rather than considering what’s good for others. And the hard truth is that this personality type is way over-represented amongst the higher corporate echelons.  


What does this mean for you and your leadership?  

First, be mindful of who you are identifying as leaders and promoting to the top. Is it mainly those who show stereotypical leadership behaviors, such as assertiveness, extreme competitiveness, and fearlessness? If so, it might pay to intentionally seek out less dominance-seeking individuals to balance your senior team. 

Second, have you noticed such a tendency in yourself? If so, rather than thinking about what you want from your role or career, think about what legacy you want to leave behind. This can help you shift from a self-serving mindset into a more benevolent one – one that is more conducive to ethical, helpful behaviors than unethical, selfish ones.  


Further reading 


9 tips for speaking truth to power 

The problem with power 

In pursuit of power 

Why boards need to take action on power-hungry leaders 

How to build powerful alliances 



Jennifer Jordan

Jennifer Jordan

Social psychologist and Professor of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour at IMD

Jennifer Jordan is a social psychologist and Professor of Leadership and Organizational Behavior at IMD. Jennifer’s teaching, research, and consulting focus on the areas of digital leadership, ethics, influence, and power. She has received specialized training and certifications in lie and truthfulness detection, as well as in conflict resolution within organizations. She is Program Director of the Women on Boards and the Leadership Essentials program, and co-Director of the Leading Digital Execution program.


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