Case Study

Keeping cool: Running the numbers on the Kooltex incentive package (B)

11 pages
April 2009
Reference: IMD-1-0270

In order to appear credible before the Swiss Tax authorities, the Kooltex management team hired Diamond Financial Consulting, a local “fiduciaire” with a solid reputation, to help them value the management incentive package; one that they had received during the firm’s secondary buyout in March 2007. The management incentive was designed to give the Kooltex team the potential to share significantly in the upside of their new owner’s investment but only if they doubled the CHF 64 million investment and achieved a minimum of 25% internal rate of return on investment (IRR) per year. Using the latest Monte Carlo simulation techniques, Diamond Financial Consulting valued the management option at approximately CHF 185,000. Their full original report is presented.

Learning Objective

Using Monte Carlo simulation to value complex, non-traditional options, such as management stock option plans in the context of buyouts.

Valuation, Option Pricing, Monte Carlo Simulations, Finance
Generalized Experience
© 2009
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This case study is part of a series
  • Keeping cool: Running the numbers on the Kooltex incentive package (B)
  • Kooltex buyout: Valuing the management team incentive package (A)
This case study is part of a series
  • Keeping cool: Running the numbers on the Kooltex incentive package (B)
  • Kooltex buyout: Valuing the management team incentive package (A)
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Keeping cool: Running the numbers on the Kooltex incentive package (B)
By Benoit F. Leleux and Jonathan Lachowitz
Case reference: IMD-1-0270 ©2009
In order to appear credible before the Swiss Tax authorities, the Kooltex management team hired Diamond Financial Consulting, a local “fiduciaire” ...
Reference IMD-1-0270
Copyright ©2009
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications

Kooltex buyout: Valuing the management team incentive package (A)
By Benoit F. Leleux and Jonathan Lachowitz
Case reference: IMD-1-0269 ©2009
It was March 2007 and Kooltex CEO Samuel Ashley was excited – he had a sense of déjà vu as he listened to the deal proposed by New Horizons Capital...
Reference IMD-1-0269
Copyright ©2009
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications