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How ChatGPT can unchain you from mundane office life 

IbyIMD+ Published 18 April 2024 in Technology • 9 min read • Audio availableAudio available

GenAI will allow human talent to focus on more creative, complex tasks, leading to greater job satisfaction and well-being.

Beyond being a technological marvel, OpenAI’s ChatGPT has become a societal phenomenon. The AI-powered chatbot broke the record for the fastest-growing app, amassing 100 million monthly active users within two months. Its popularity fueled the debate on the risks associated with AI. Goldman Sachs estimated that over 300 million jobs could be lost. Elon Musk, with more than 1,000 other tech leaders and researchers, signed an open letter urging a halt in the development of cutting-edge AI systems.

Despite these concerns, GenAI has taken root. For businesses, it is no longer a question of whether to invest in this fast-evolving technology but how to do so. Amid all the hype, what exactly are the real implications for decision-makers? In this article, based on my research, we will see how GenAI is impacting business practices and how you can stay up-to-date or even get ahead of the game by embracing it. In particular, we will see how GenAI can free up human talent to…

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